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Breastfeeding: A Gift Like No Other

From moments after birth, a newborn baby searches the strange new environment for his mother’s breast. There, he will gain nutrition—essential, but not the whole story. He also receives comfort, warmth, physiological support, and love and emotional bonding. After about nine months of nurturing the baby inside her body, the mother now nurtures him outside of it—through embraces and diaper changes, baths and play, and feedings. This season of love, light, and giving reminds of the gift that is breastfeeding. Tune in for discussion of breastfeeding a gift from mother to child (hopefully with her partner’s support), and the impact of this gift not only on the baby but also on the mother, family, and community. Listen in, and call or e-mail with your thoughts on this important topic. As you exchange gifts this season, take a moment to celebrate one of the most amazing gifts you give your baby: breastfeeding.

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