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Happy IBCLC Day! A Glimpse of the Journey During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously affected everything we do. That is especially true for healthcare professionals, those who work in hospitals, and IBCLC candidates who are sitting for the IBLCE exam. Join Marie and her guest, Melissa Bedward, MS, RNC-OB, C-EFM, to gain some insights into her journey to becoming an IBCLC; the ups and downs, the expenses and the rewards, and the subsequent real-life role of the hospital-based IBCLC as a helper, advocate, and teacher. Here’s your chance to get a complete behind-the-scenes glimpse of the IBLCE test-taking experience with home proctoring during COVID. What kind of preparation did she need for home-proctoring, and what was the 4-hour experience really like? What were some of her lessons-learned from the home proctoring experience? And, if she had it to do over again, would Melissa choose home-proctoring if on-site testing was a choice? Be sure to join Marie and Melissa for some insights that you won’t find anywhere else!


  1. Victoria R Anzalone

    I listened to the Podcast “Happy IBCLC Day! A Glimpse of the Journey During the Pandemic”. Thank you for this podcast. I heard at the end of the podcast that if one was to let you know within a certain time that she listened to the entire podcast there would be CERP hours available. Am I too late? I listened to the podcast on March 6. 2021. Will I still be able to get the CERP hours? And will you let me know where I can get the live recordings for the future so I can get CERP hours?
    I received my IBCLC Certification in December 2020 so I am also a pandemic IBCLC. I am not an RN but a Registered Pharmacist. Any ideas where I could be a service to breastfeeding moms if not as an RN?

    • Marie

      Oh, Victoria, I’m so sorry, but yes, you are too late. We ran the free offer for only 3 days. I did a mad scramble on my website a few minutes ago, but the offer is gone and the link is gone. The dates for opening and closing the offer are automated so they go away right on time. Be sure to go to my home page and subscribe to my blog. Honestly, I am not sure, but I believe that will help you to get notified of our specials ahead of time. On being a pharmacist, I have to say: Seriously consider opening up your own lactation practice! I have trained over 5,000 IBCLCs in the past several years, and only two were pharmacists. Both were in private practice!

      • Marie

        I don’t think I really answered your question about the CERPs. The “recording” doesn’t get you the CERPs. We offer CERP programs year round, on multiple topics. The learning program that we just offered for free will soon be a paid program. But stay tuned, we do offer freebies or specials from time to time!

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