Your milk has completely sustained your baby for months. But as he becomes older, he’ll need to have something else. What table food do you…
What sort of breastfeeding support do today’s families need? How can we engage the whole family in breastfeeding support? What role can fathers have in…
Congratulations! Your family has grown, and your baby is in your arms. You long to nurture your baby through nursing. But perhaps this baby came…
It may seem surprising that breastfeeding is still a point of controversy. How can that be, when studies have shown over and over that human…
Mothers of babies who have tongue tie, lip tie, or both can be overwhelmed by the many and varied opinions they hear. One person says…
Dr. Miriam Labbok was my first-ever guest on this show. I invited Miriam to speak with me about the importance of breastfeeding as a public…
Everyone has an opinion, and they’re usually pushing it as “fact.” Breastfeeding advocates sing a litany of benefits that breastfeeding provides. Critics insist that breastfeeding…
In 1986, Linda J. Smith wrote an article titled, “How to Make Breastfeeding Difficult.” More recently, the article has been posted on several contemporary web…
Babies can be born with a wide variety of congenital conditions that create unusual hurdles for the breastfeeding journey. Only rarely, though, is breastfeeding impossible.…
Are you facing circumstances that seem “set” by others? Did you have a birth experience different from what you had planned? It’s easy to feel…